Honey Lane Dog Grooming Located in Homewood IL
Call for an Appointment: (708) 798-5660
We are proud to offer grooming services for your pet. Our groomers are highly trained and have experience working with a variety of breeds and species. If your pet is in need of grooming, please contact us today!
We truly believe in the human and animal bond.
We also strive to ensure our clients and their owners have an enjoyable visit every time they walk through our door. Our entire staff is friendly and willing to help.
We look forward to meeting you and your pets.
If you have any questions about our practice or would like to schedule an appointment for your pets, please call us today at (708) 798-5660

Kelly LePore - Owner/Groomer
Kelli's mom, Donna, started Honey Lane Groomers back in the 70's, and Kelli has been running Honey Lane for the last 20 years. Kelli is groomer and avid breeder of Newfoundland Dogs, and has won many awards.

Rebecca Mooney - Bather/Groomer Trainee
Rebecca has been with Honey Lane Grooming for 2 years and has attended Pet Grooming School. She is skilled and dedicated to becoming a professional groomer.